We give a shape to your ideas.

Optical (standard) components and functional coatings reflect only a part of our capabilities, because our qualified experts will continue to support you in product development. We look forward to receiving your assignments.

Christoph Kleinen (General Manger), Sales and Development

Phone +49 2664 25241-10
Fax +49 2664 25241-99
Mobil +49 172 621 53 54
Email ck@micros-optics.com

Rocco Landgraf, Purchase and Sales

Phone +49 2664 25241-13
Fax +49 2664 25241-99
Email rl@micros-optics.com

Andrea Kleinen, Purchase and Sales

Phone +49 2664 25241-12
Fax +49 2664 25241-99
Email ak@micros-optics.com

Sascha Kob, Head of Production

Phone +49 36701202–231
Fax +49 3670 202–28
Mobil +49 175 959 095 3
Email sk@micros-optics.com